Friday, October 24, 2014

Updates On Goals

In short, I've again let extra crap get in the way of what I really want to be doing. Been shutting the nonsense down one project and one obligation at a time, careful not to add again anything that wasn't on the To Do list beforehand. Still, they're getting knocked down. I've even figured out how to subvert some of the stuff that wasn't my idea into fulfilling some To Do list items

I've lost some weight, but only some, and I seem a bit stuck. Need to up the exercise from almost none to almost constant, now that some of the schedule is clear enough to do so. Diet (nearly) alone just doesn't do it.

Writing has expanded fairly well, and I now support 4 or 5 characters (depending how you count them, this and FB being so close as to be more filter than personae), none of whom know about the others and some of whom wouldn't even like each other very much. Oh, and I've managed to get my first hater! He's so unoriginal and lame that I muted his sorry self, but maybe it's my fault: I need to make more dangerous things for my more outlandish characters. I'll work on that.

Languages languish, at this point, partly because my MP3 player died. However, I have noticed that I sometimes speak limited but useful German or Spanish in dreams. My Japanese is as horrible when I'm asleep as when I'm awake, though. And Italian never makes an appearance, for some reason. My suspicion is that I have a better time remembering vocabulary when unconscious because I'm not freaking myself out about it.

Music continues to go slowly, though it is in fact moving forward. Finding a bassist is oddly challenging. Usually it's the keyboardist I have problems tracking down, but not this time.

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