Tuesday, October 21, 2014


  1. Is there any ethnic group in my area (southwestern U.S.) more casually racist than Mexicans?
  2. Chinese, yes, but I'd describe that tendency more as "reflexively" than "casually."
  3. At this point, there is no Ebola panic in America. Notably, everyone saying (in a panicky way) not to panic are politicians who rightly fear people noticing their support of stupidity which would cause a panic-justifying epidemic.
  4. So, it turns out we still don't know who Jack the Ripper was.
  5. In spite of the title above, there is evidence that Rock Paper Scissors is anything but random.
  6. If you are the one who does more, you deserve the greater reward. Funny how people will agree to that until actual examples roll in.
  7. Yes, I actually do read more English news than American these days.
  8. Someday, someday I'll learn to stop trying to explain things to people who really don't want to understand. Just apparently not this day.
  9. Reading comprehension would appear to be a dying art.


Anonymous said...

Great links. That rock paper scissors thing was especially interesting. I love that they have a whole SOCIETY, ha! This may not surprise you but I always lose at that game.

Peregrine John said...

Hello there, Chicklet! Nice to see you here again. I've always been terrible at RPS, but maybe with help from that article I can win once in a while...