Saturday, September 21, 2013


I've begun reading The Art of Possibility. It must be admitted that it looks like a rather fluffy bit of vague self-help frippery. It's not. What it is, is a primer on removing the hindrances to one's thinking habits. It does so with specific practices for identifying and altering the patterns of limitation, fear, and scarcity, patterns which prevent accurate assessment of reality and choices of action.

It also coincides very neatly with a lot of thoughts I've had lately, synthesizing a lot of sources into a set of overlying patterns. As I progress through the book, I see that each chapter could be expanded significantly with observations and research I keep coming across. Again, it looks like borderline mumbo jumbo, but in fact it is not. Those recent thoughts will form the basis of a lot of future posts, I can promise you. Something bigger is coming.

One of the book's two authors is an orchestral conductor, and music is used as a metaphor and anecdote topic throughout. This works for me, obviously. I strongly suspect it'd work for you, too. The writing style is one which connects with me as well: several times so far I have laughed aloud, and more than once the truths presented have brought me near to literal tears.

And I'm only on page 46.

Can't hardly wait to read the rest, but it's really not something to rush through. As I hinted before, the discussion is fairly dense with meaning, and every page or two inspires me to pause and consider how I can apply it. I'll keep you posted.

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