Thursday, July 25, 2013


I usually avoid political discussion, and when it comes up, I claim to strongly dislike politics. This is not strictly true, but is a matter of incomplete truth rather than untruth. The fact is that I loathe how people react to anything to do with polity, and I refuse to engage in what always, always devolves to either a circle-jerk of an echo chamber, open rancor, or supposed politeness with mental notes made not to trust the other in the future. It's disgusting. Open discussion and debate, with the understanding that someone else's approach might be valid even though different from one's own, is vanishingly rare. The notion that there might be something to learn from another, or - heaven forfend! - that a change in one's self might be beneficial, well that's just heresy.

Of course, the claim will be of one's open-mindedness. A stinky crock, that one.

Politics is a necessary and potentially constructive part of life with others. This, I embrace. But I'm still not discussing it with you.

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