Monday, January 04, 2016


Man, have I been neglecting things. Not everything, since I pretty much have to be doing something while I live, and I bore easy; but too many self-imposed obligations have stalled while I dealt with other crap.

So here's what's up, and here's the plan:

I've had walking pneumonia since about Thanksgiving - or I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Lingering "cold" that kept me coughing at nights and with sinus gunk throughout. Lost my voice almost entirely for a week, and for someone like me, that is terrifying at a basic level even as the intellect knows it's happened now and then and will be fine eventually. I finally kicked that nonsense from my body around Christmas. While it was here, however, my brains were far less than coherent, and if I managed the mental energy to write at all, it was terrible. So there's that.

Trying to drag the house's externals into shape before El NiƱo hits has absorbed a fair bit of the rest of my time and damned near all my money. Still not finished, but I can't wait any longer before getting everything else started or re-started. Turns out that I'm one of those people who has to write. Who knew?

And then there's the family stuff, which is pleasant but very time-consuming.

Between one thing and (all) the others, my plans to advance my causes have stymied. So no more of this putting-things-off nonsense.

The other blog has been as neglected as this one, which, being more or less on a schedule, is unacceptable for more than a few days, and this is more than a few weeks. Having built up a good base of information there, I need to consider how to shift to gaining readership, something I really didn't worry about before. But the next stage there will require more than my mere blathering into the void.

Another blog will be starting very shortly, specifically to track my personal growth and improvement and to both elucidate and spread the knowledge and philosophy that's got me headed in the right direction. It will feature both written blogging and video blogging. Odds are that the videos will wander in topic, but that's a feature, and part of the plan. I might do some podcasting for the first blog, too. We'll see.

Yet a third outlet will be a strictly instructional vid blog, featuring my voice and hands but nothing else. I'll go into it (or just link it) another time. It will give me excellent practice in a wide variety of skills, and will end up with periodic salable products as a matter of course.

Lastly, I need to get around to making a sub-channel on YouTube for useful short pieces, video quotes, if you will. I often find that having a single line from a movie or TV show, in its original form, is very handy, but almost never at hand. When I do find them, they tend to be couched in a lot of extra stuff to give context or whatever. My interest is specific to knowing (or not needing) the context, and so I'll build that. Easy stuff, and I can add to it at will, with neither schedule nor expectation nor much time invested.

I hope to be hooking up with a voiceover agent soon, which will be financially good and lead directly to better results in most of the above.

It sounds insane, but that isn't actually a full list. It's just the most important things to get rolling right away. Making a habit of things is the only way I have ever successfully improved my self-discipline, and also improves efficiency to let me do far more than I otherwise would be able to.

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